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Working with Makers: A Creative Journey
Working with makers is a fulfilling and enriching experience that brings a sense of collaboration, creativity, and craftsmanship to the forefront. The opportunity to engage with skilled artisans, craftsmen, and creators not only enhances the scope of a project but also adds depth and personality to the final outcome.

At Sarah McAlpine Art, the joy of collaborating with makers is paramount. The journey of creation unfolds through shared passion and expertise. Expertise, especially in the sewing area!
The tactile quality of working with makers, feeling the raw materials, and witnessing the transformation of a pattern into a tangible item is incredibly rewarding.
Moreover, the personal connections that form in these collaborative ventures add depth to the process, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. Each maker brings their own story, their own techniques, and their own artistic vision, enriching the creative tapestry with diverse influences and experiences.
Ultimately, the end result of working with makers transcends the mere creation of objects; it becomes a testament to the power of teamwork, dedication, and the celebration of craftsmanship. It is a testament to the beauty that emerges when art and skill converge, and when passionate individuals come together to bring something exceptional into the world.

Hat made by Ruby Rock it Studio and designed by Sarah McAlpine Art

Ruby Rock-it Studio

Ruby Rock-it Studio created some wonderful hats for me.

Tui bag by Lydison Handmade

Lydison Handmade

I commissioned Lydison Handmade to make a bag for me using my Tui repeat pattern. I am looking forward to more being created.

Dress made by Crossroad creationz

Crossroad Creationz

Crossroad Creationz have created lots of awesome pieces with my fabric patterns.